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  • Opinion document: The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The new cycle of review and the Preparatory Commission, 2012



Opinion document: The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The new cycle of review and the Preparatory Commission, 2012

At present, there are important challenges for the nuclear non-proliferation regime, which isAt present, there are important challenges for the nuclear non-proliferation regime, which is based on the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). In the last four decades, some States have developed nuclear military capabilities, remaining outside the Treaty. Moreover, there has been a renaissance of nuclear energy as a response to new energy needs in emerging economic powers. The prospects of a growing development and diffusion of nuclear technology in the world, taking into account its dual-use capabilities – i.e. its capacity to be used for peaceful uses and, at the same time, to pave the way for the development of its military uses – remains a significant challenge when preserving a balance between technical progress and world stability. The NPT, throughout its four decades of existence, has allowed the international community to delay, to a great extent, the process of proliferation. The outcome of the NPT Preparatory Committee in 2012 confirms that the expectations of the international community for this meeting have been met, establishing the agenda for the intercessional review process of the Treaty, which will be completed in the Review Conference in 2015. However, in forthcoming years the nuclear non-proliferation regime will be under severe strain; this will have a significant impact on the conference and will test the capacity of the NPT framework to adapt to the new international scenario.

Author: Gonzalo de Salazar Serantes

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