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Analysis opinion: Somalia: X-ray of a fragile state (II)

Somalia is one of the weakest links in the arc of crisis that stretches from Nouakchott to Mogadishu; a country wherein more than twenty years of civil war, together with the absence of state structures have mutated this ancient Italian colony in what is now called a fragile state, setting up an almost endemic situation that fosters the spreading of international terrorism. The promulgation of an interim constitution has not prevented political disagreements at the federal and regional levels threatening the stability of the federal government and limiting its ambition to hold general elections and a referendum on a final constitution. Without a solid strategy by both, local and international actors, that prioritizes the fight against terrorism and it is focused on stabilization and development, starting from the local level, Somalia will hardly avoid the frustration of the population towards its political authorities, the strengthening the clans´ power and the recovery of Al-Shabab , thus perpetuating the existential crisis of the Somali state.

Author: Ignacio Fuente Cobo


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