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  • Political and social trends of interest for Security and Defense. European and North American perspectives (DIEEEINV01-2017)



Political and social trends of interest for Security and Defense. European and North American perspectives (DIEEEINV01-2017)

This report is part of the Future Work Program, led by the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE), with the support of the Joint Conceptual Development Center (CCDC). The report presents a state of the art of prospective studies on security and defense prepared by the Atlantic Alliance, the European Union and the Ministries of Defense of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom. These works aim to identify, analyze and predict the evolution of global trends that will affect global stability and security in the long term, in a time horizon that, depending on the document, ranges between 2030 and 2045. The report focuses on major political and social trends with an impact on the military and Defense sectors. The report provides a critical synthesis of the results of these works, pointing out their similarities, differences and complementary visions, as well as possible limitations and improvement points. Previously, the article introduces the reader to the nature of this type of document and to the methodologies used for its elaboration.

Author: Javier Jordán Enamorado.

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