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  • The relations of China in Oriental Asia and his definition in the international context, engines of global changes (DIEEEO104-2014)



The relations of China in Oriental Asia and his definition in the international context, engines of global changes (DIEEEO104-2014)

The design of the relations of China with the rest of regional Asian powers and the deep implication of diverse international actors in the development of events in oriental Asia indicates the vital importance of this scene in to develop of the commercial relations and of global safety. They all - the USA, China, Japan, South Korea and Korea of the North - want to influence the process of redefinition that suffers the region, playing the advantages that each one possesses, but of between them, one (China) still it is deciding what wants to be in the international sphere and how it wants to reach his aims. Meanwhile, the Asian giant leads an alternative project of international multipolar order, which rivals in occasions with the euro-Atlantic project formed of such initiatives as the group of the BRICS or the G24. These processes are producing an impact that, as defends itself in this text, it is of global scope.

Author: Carlos Blanco Torres


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