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European migration politics: between security and humanity.- Cristina Imaz Chacón.

The EU migration management following the arrival of Syrian refugees in 2015-2016 has called into question the effectiveness of the Dublin Protocol. The rise of nationalist, Eurosceptic and largely anti-migration narratives has brought forth an interpretation of the migration issue in terms of security. The latter securitization of the discourse has made it difficult to reach a consensus between Parliament and the European Council on the reforms of the Dublin system proposed by the Commission in 2016 and has encouraged the externalization of the community borders. In this respect, after the COVID-19 crisis, the approach taken by the European Commission under Von der Leyen's mandate in the new pact on immigration and asylum in the EU will be decisive.

Document written by Cristina Imaz Chacón. Student of International Relations and Comunication. Granted researcher of IEEE.



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